Worry Warts

Worry Warts are whimsical 16″ handmade cloth characters designed to make you smile. Each Worry Wart has a special pocket on its back where you can place your worries, plus each Worry Wart comes with its own unique story. Customized Worry Warts and stories are available. Contact me at jeankinney@msn.com.


The Worry Wart’s Adventure

Once upon a time, in a cozy little workshop nestled between moss-covered trees, there lived a 16-inch Worry Wart Doll named Finn. Finn was no ordinary doll; he had a Hello Kitty-designed shirt, striped legs, and a mop of unruly ribbon hair that seemed to dance in the slightest breeze. But what truly set Finn apart was his perpetually silly grin—a grin that could brighten even the gloomiest of days.

Every morning, as the sun peeked through the window, Finn would stretch his arms and yawn. His creator, Miss Jean, would gently lift him from the workbench and place him on the windowsill. “Off you go, my little friend,” she would say. “Today is an adventure waiting to happen.”

And so, Finn would set off on his daily escapades. His first stop was always the Whatcom Art Market, a bustling place where artists and dreamers gathered to share their creations. Finn loved the smell of freshly baked bread from the nearby bakery and the sound of laughter echoing through the cobblestone streets.

As he walked, Finn would nod at the other dolls and creatures he met along the way. There was Oliver, the Patchwork Bear, who stitched together stories from forgotten memories, and Siren, the Glass Mermaid, who shimmered like the sea under the morning sun. They would exchange secrets and wishes, their voices soft as the rustling leaves.

At the market, Finn would find his spot—a cozy corner near the vintage jewelry booth. He would sit cross-legged, his striped legs peeking out from under his Hello Kitty shirt. Passersby would pause, their eyes drawn to his silly grin. Some would chuckle, while others would sigh, as if their worries melted away in his presence.

One day, a young girl named Sophie stopped by. Her eyes were wide, and her fingers traced the delicate stitches on Finn’s shirt. “You’re special,” she whispered. “I need you.”

Finn’s heart skipped a beat. He knew he had found his new owner—the one who needed his magic most. Sophie cradled him in her arms, and they embarked on countless adventures together. They danced in rain puddles, whispered secrets to the moon, and even faced down a grumpy old Art Critic Crow who scoffed at their whimsy.

Sophie’s worries began to fade. She would tell Finn about her fears—the upcoming math test, the bullying at school, and her sick grandmother. And Finn would listen, his silly grin never wavering. “Worry not,” he would say. “We’ll find a way.”

And they did. Sophie aced her math test, stood up to the bully, and spent precious moments with her grandmother. Finn’s magic worked wonders, and Sophie’s heart grew lighter with each passing day.

As seasons changed, so did the Whatcom Art Market. But Finn remained a constant, perched on Sophie’s windowsill, watching the world outside. His Hello Kitty shirt faded, his ribbon hair frayed, but his grin remained as silly as ever.

And so, dear reader, if you ever visit the Whatcom Art Market, keep an eye out for a 16-inch Worry Wart Doll waiting to be named. He will be there, waiting to share his magic with anyone who needs it. Because sometimes, all it takes is a silly grin to chase away the worries that weigh us down.

And that is the tale of Finn, the Worry Wart Doll, who found purpose in spreading joy and easing hearts. ????✨

The End